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Millac Maid from Skimmed Milk Jiggers 120s
Pritchitts market leading one cup long life portions. A complete product range suited for both the tea and coffee offering. The mini pots are convenient and simple - grab and go, peel and pour.
Special Features: Made from Skimmed Milk.
Pritchitts market leading one cup long life portions. A comple - 05010652994867
rrp £16.98
Millac Maid Roselle Aerosol Cream 500g
Roselle Supreme Instant Whipped Topping 500gThe real sweetened alternative to cream.
Stays in shape for 15 minutes. Ideal for Cappuccinos,Latte,Sundae, Desserts. - 5010652653412
rrp £6.79
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