Whether it’s fire protection, security safes or medical storage equipment, Phoenix are leading the way for security products to suit all requirements. Ideal for homes, offices, schools, gyms and more, all of their fire and security resistant safes are independently tested to meet European standards. Their history can be traced back to Liverpool in 1799 when the company was known as the Richmond Safe Co Ltd who were supplying maritime trade between England and the United States with iron banded or iron clad wooden strongboxes and seamen’s chests.
Fast forward to today, Phoenix is a European leader in Fire and Security Safes with offices and warehouses in the UK, Germany, France and Spain. Known for their high quality, durable and practical solutions to safety systems, Phoenix provides a fast and reliable delivery service across the country and continent. Most recently in 2022, they launched a new range of Battery Storage Safes which provide protection for Lithium-Ion Batteries to prevent domestic and commercial fires. When you buy from Phoenix, rest assured you’re investing in products centuries in the making from a world leader in the manufacturer and distribution or state of the art safes for all requirements.
Join a long list of customers who have been buying security items from Phoenix throughout the decades. These products from one of the oldest UK manufacturers have a long history dating back to Liverpool in 1799, and today, they are proudly a widely respected brand on the European and American stage.
Whether it’s providing essential safes for the hospitality sector, or equipment for your workplace or even medical storage for those everyday accidents and more, you can guarantee on Phoenix to provide you with high quality, seamless security products where peace of mind is guaranteed.
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