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We compared the price of this Astin Rectangular Multipurpose Table 1600x800x730mm Alaskan Grey OakSilver KF77747 KF77747 with some of our competitors on the dates below*
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Flexi 25 rectangular table with graphite frame 1600mm x 800mm - beech FLT1600-G-B
rrp £390.00 rrp £325.00 (Save 54%)
Only £179.88 inc VAT £149.90 exc VAT
Flexi 25 rectangular table with silver frame 1600mm x 800mm - beech FLT1600-S-B
rrp £390.00 rrp £325.00 (Save 54%)
Only £179.88 inc VAT £149.90 exc VAT
Astin Rectangular Multipurpose Table 1200x600x730mm Arctic WhiteSilver KF77740 KF77740
rrp £258.34rrp £215.28 (Save 56%)
Only £112.82 inc VAT£94.02 exc VAT
Polaris Rectangular Multipurpose Table 1200x600x730mm Arctic WhiteSilver KF77898 KF77898
rrp £207.60rrp £173.00 (Save 37%)
Only £129.77 inc VAT£108.14 exc VAT
Astin Rectangular Multipurpose Table 1600x800x730mm Arctic WhiteSilver KF77743 KF77743
rrp £311.71rrp £259.76 (Save 60%)
Only £124.12 inc VAT£103.43 exc VAT
Polaris Rectangular Multipurpose Table 1600x800x730mm Arctic WhiteSilver KF77901 KF77901
rrp £277.20rrp £231.00 (Save 38%)
Only £172.09 inc VAT£143.41 exc VAT