What shredder should I buy?
There are a number of things to take into account when purchasing a shredder and we will explain them all to you here to help make your shopping experience easier
How can an air purifier help protect you from Covid 19
An air purifier works by sucking air into the machine by a fan. This air then gets pushed through a filter (or multiple filters), which cleans out any pollutants and particles, before pushing the air back out into the room. The filters are often made from paper, fiber or mesh and need regular maintenance or replacement to keep the purifier working at an optimum level.
Plastic Free July
July has become Plastic Free July. This is to help combat this issue and educate us to become more aware of our plastic usage. We are encouraged to avoid all plastic products, particularly single use plastics, for the entire month.
Top 10 Crazy Stationery Facts
Although it may shock you to find out…. But it turns out that not everyone finds office stationery supplies as exciting as us. Shocking. We know. SO. We have put together a few of the most unusual, weird, and downright crazy stationery facts to jazz things up a little.
Halloween with Office Stationery
All Hallows' Eve is fast approaching. It's almost time for the pumpkins to be carved, the sweets to be collected and devoured by thousands of sugar crazed children, and the scary decorations to be made and displayed. In this post we help you think of some creative ways you can use stationery to make some awesome extra bits for your halloween.
Office Chair Guide
A correct working posture should be one that requires the least amount of static muscle work on your body with the least muscular effort. The more varied your posture the better, for your back. The correct sitting position is the critical to the first step in minimising the risk of lower back pain.