B Corporations Explained: What They Are and Why They Matter
A 2025 poll by The Guardian found that 60% of people had a general awareness of B Corps but only 7% said they knew a lot about them.
The Simple Science Behind Making Nescafe Decaffeinated Coffee
Research from Nescafé conducted in 2024 shows that 40% of adults surveyed are trying to reduce their caffeine intake.
Why Secure Medical Storage is Essential for Every Workplace
A Labour Force Survey in 2023/4 found that 604,000 workers sustained a non-fatal injury in the workplace. Ensuring safe, convenient and easy to use medical storage facilities in offices, schools, gyms and all other communal spaces is therefore essential.
Choose The Cheeky Panda for Sustainable Personal Hygiene Products
A report from Edge in 2022 found that a staggering 1.9 million trees are cut down daily to meet the demands of the traditional toilet roll industry.
Celebrate the Month of Love with Words and Beautiful Stationery
Is writing or words of affirmation your love language? Or the love language of your other half? Whether you’re looking to spread love with family, friends or a romantic partner, we’re here to provide you with a myriad of inspiration to say something special this Valentine’s Day.
How Sara saved on her frothy coffee obsession
I used to be one of those people who would queue up every morning for my daily caffeine fix on the way to the office. But over time, I started to question if it was worth it.
Breeze into Office Commuting with a Free Kensington Backpack
Are you tired of sore shoulders and constant back pain from lugging your laptop and all the accompanying accessories to and from the office? Trips into the office when you’ve got so much stuff to carry can be tiresome, but luckily, we have the perfect solution.
Everything You Need to Know About the DEFRA Waste Legislation Changes
DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs) has just confirmed a new Simpler Recycling initiative for England, which aims to make recycling easier for businesses and households across the country.
How to Be a Stationery Lover Without Harming the Planet
Are you the type of person who can never resist the lure of a new notebook or the appeal of a brand new set of pens? Or, it might be that you're looking for desk accessories to elevate your office without harming the planet.
Plant 10 Trees with Leitz
Leitz is excited to offer you an opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment while enhancing your workspace. For every two products purchased from our Leitz Recycle range, we will plant 10 trees on your behalf through Switch2Zero.
Are you getting a class full of answers?
A big challenge for all teachers is trying to find out what all pupils are thinking and what all pupils are learning. This is because thinking and learning are invisible.
Mechanical Pencil Day
Mechanical pencils were first patented in 1822 by Sampson Mordan and John Isaac Hawkins in Britain. This type of pencil has a solid casing, usually plastic or metal but sometimes wooden, but uses any of 3 ways to move the lead out the nib of the casing, eliminating the need for pencil sharpeners.
Notebook Day
National Notebook Day is celebrated on the Third Thursday of May, this year it falls on the 20th May 2022. 2016 saw the very first National Notebook Day celebrated to remind the world about the humble notebook’s importance.
Why are your paper prices increasing?
Paper prices are increasing and its because of rising pulp prices, a shortage of raw materials and the war in Ukraine. Obviously printer paper is the one thing businesses like to keep an eye on cost wise as it is one of the most regularly ordered items so tends to be the deciding factor in choosing a supplier.
Fire Safety Week
It is important to have basic fire safety knowledge for both your home and your workplace to help prevent injury or death in the case of a fire. Less than 50% of homeowners have an escape plan and 60% of us do not test our smoke alarms regularly. By just implementing these two very small changes you can increase your chances of survival. Part of the workplace health and safety law states that you must have the appropriate fire extinguishers as well as the right quantity of them in your place of work, but this isn’t applicable for domestic premises. Two more, quick and simple tools you can put into place are having a fire extinguisher in your home as well as a Carbon Monoxide alarm.
Curble Chair Support - A Kids Review
A new chair support to the market is the Curble Chair Support. This affordable, lightweight support has a more stylish look and feel to it than the traditional chair supports. These supports are also designed to be used both on a chair as well as a stand alone support for sitting on the floor or on seating with no back.
Why choose us for your site supplies?
Although it may not sound like it, Office Stationery are one of the biggest suppliers of site supplies to the construction industry. Times have changed and stationers are no longer only useful for a box of paper and some pens, we now stock a whole host of products that means we can be your one stop shop for your business needs.
International Cat Day 2021
In honour of this Sunday's International Cat Day, we thought we would take this opportunity to have a look through some of the most crazy cat facts we could find.
Loneliness Awareness Week 2021
It is Loneliness Awareness week hosted by the Marmalade Trust and this year it is more important than ever to get talking. 40% of people will not talk about experiencing loneliness. With numbers so high, it is about time we remove the stigma and talk about the fact that we ALL get lonely and this is nothing to be ashamed of.
How to bring Valentine's to your workplace this lockdown
After nearly 12 months of restrictions, lock down after lock down, cancelled plans, quarantines and celebrations via video call, we are here to give you some ideas on how to make those around you smile this Valentines day. It has been a year of small, heartfelt gestures, to remind the ones that you love and those around you, that they are not alone, that you are thinking of them and we are all in this together.
Top Tips To Keep Busy During This Summer Break
With the Summer break, fast approaching (and for most, it has already begun) thinking of ways to keep busy can be a tedious task. Especially in the current climate with lots of restrictions still in place for social distancing, trying to stay entertained can be tricky. That is why, we have put our heads together and come up with some top ideas that are sure to keep you safe whilst having fun.
Staying Safe When Returning To Work
With recent Government advice allowing more people to go back to work, ensuring you stay safe in your workplace is more important than ever. Government advice currently states to return to work if you must but work from home if you can. Your company should have put precautions into place before your return (such as sanitising stations and distancing markers on the ground) to aid in keeping you safe, however we have put together some top tips that will help you further.
How To Work From Home Effectively
We have all found ourselves in this weird and bizarre world, and adapting our lives has been essential. Working from home is one of the biggest changes that many of us have had to face over recent weeks, and it doesn't seem that this is going to change any time soon.
How to Bring Your Office Desk to Life
Your office desk is your second home, so it should be a place of inspiration and reflect your personality. A tidy, organised and personalised workspace enables you to work happily and efficiently. Yet with little spare time, your desk can easily become cluttered. This clutter is bad for your concentration, makes it difficult to stay organised and can make you feel stressed. We’ve researched the best ideas so you can bring your office desk to life.
Halloween with Office Stationery
All Hallows' Eve is fast approaching. It's almost time for the pumpkins to be carved, the sweets to be collected and devoured by thousands of sugar crazed children, and the scary decorations to be made and displayed. In this post we help you think of some creative ways you can use stationery to make some awesome extra bits for your halloween.
Tips to Prepare for College
The six week break has started to draw to a close and you or someone you know may be making the transition from top of the school in year 11 to a completely new setting in college. There are many stories from teachers, friends, family on what to expect from college and how to prepare yourself. But everyone has different experiences, so we have made a list of some general ways to feel more at ease with the transition so that you can start your own story.
Ways to Make Your Home Office Comfortable and Practical
Being able to work at home can sometimes be a luxury (that many wish for at 5am when falling out of bed to prepare for the joyous Monday in an office) but it can also be a bit tricky to make it a place that is comfortable, practical, and inspiring. To aid you in your SOHO decorating escapades, here is a list of tricks to use to get the most out of your space.
Ways to Feel More Comfortable at your Desk
Being at your desk or stuck in an office for hours at a time can become rather uncomfortable after a while if you do not have the correct equipment to support yourself and your environment. We have made a list of a few tools you can easily include in your everyday work-life to make those long office hours a little more pleasant.
Ways to stay healthy with a busy lifestyle
It’s not always easy to maintain healthy habits when you are someone that is constantly on the go. Whether it’s at work, at home, or travelling, there always seems to be things more important than quinoa and kale. However, this is a complete misconception! Being healthy isn’t just about having the most green diet possible, being healthy takes into consideration a much more holistic array of assets. So, to help set you up, we have made a list of simple steps to keep you happy and healthy.
How to Prepare for University Life
It’s that time of year again when many of the nation’s youths are making their way to a new chapter in their lives - The University Years. Preparing for this can be a somewhat difficult task when trying to instill new “adult” habits into your brain, like budgeting and not overdoing the alcohol. Here is a small list of a few things to keep in mind when getting ready this summer.
Back To School Hacks
For most students and teachers, it most likely feels ludicrous to start thinking about going back to school yet but for some, it’s never too early to start preparing for the September send-away. Office stationery have compiled a list of a few tips to get your child or yourself as ready as you can for the new academic year.
Office Stationery’s Top 5 Printers
We want the best for our customers, and we know you want the best products money can buy. So to help you out, Office Stationery is putting together weekly top 5 lists of popular products.
Tips For Staying Cool This Summer
A heatwave is barging it’s way into the UK and being stuck in an office can make the heat even more unbearable. But, seeing as many of us do not have the luxury of moving our work to a lovely Moroccan beach, here are our tips to help you feel more comfortable in the warmth.
How To Stay On Top Of A Heavy Workload
It’s always nice to encounter a little challenge now and then to keep your mind active, but there is a considerable difference between keeping busy and being overworked. Hard work pays off so long as you go about it the right way about it and put your health first to avoid stress. Here, we have compiled a small list of tricks to maintain your sanity as best as possible in stressful times.
Tips For a Great Interview
Interviews can be a necessary evil if you are someone who is not so comfortable talking about yourself to others or tends to ramble or stutter when you get nervous. So, to aid you in this process, we have compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you feel at ease.
Top Tips for Travelling
For work or pleasure, travelling can become a hassle and a chore, rather than an enjoyable time. We have compiled a list of travel hacks for you to feel comfortable on the move.
Our guide to the benefits of flexible working
Our guide to the benefits of flexible working
Ways to stay more energised at your desk.
It happens to the best of us where, no matter how many hours of peaceful sleep you have had, the day drags along and leaves you feeling shattered by 12 o’clock with even more hours to endure. In light of this, we have compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you stay a bit more awake when all you want is to sleep.
Stress Relief Tips At Your Desk
A desk job can prove to be very stressful when let to get out of hand, but don’t fret, here are some easy ways to relieve stress from the comfort of your desk.
Products for an organised desk space.
An organised work space leads to an organised mind to ensure you excel in your day-to-day jobs, so here are our tips to help you achieve greatness from your desk.
Ways to make the most of your classroom space
Keeping your classroom organised can be a tough challenge with the constant chaos brought on by 30 students for 6 hours a day. Luckily, we offer some amazing products at fantastic prices on our website to help you contain the classroom chaos.
Health and Safety Essentials
Health and Safety is an incredibly important part of ensuring your workplace remains a safe and pleasant place to work. We have some essential items if you are unsure of how to make your workplace an even better and safer environment for everyone.
Desk Essentials You Wish You Had Already
Anything can happen when you’re on your way to work, having lunch or at your desk so it’s always best to keep a few bits and bobs around in preparation.
Brightening your work space
We all know that nothing is worse than having a long day of work spent at a gloomy desk, longing for the sweet release of jumping into bed with Netflix awaiting. However, those office hours must be done, so why not at least try and make your desk a somewhat delightful place to be just to make that 9-5 a little more bearable.
How To Be On Time For Work
We’ve all been there, some more than others, where you swear your clock must be wrong or you swear you shut your eyes for only a minute more after you woke up but nonetheless, your fate has been seemingly sealed: You are late. Now, instead of fretting and speeding down a motorway at an ungodly speed next time this happens, follow our tips to help you minimise the panic and the risk altogether.
Mess Free Crafts For Primary Schools
Modelling clay is a great way to give kids a more hands on approach to tasks, allowing them to really think outside the box and explore different mediums of creation. For example, instead of getting them to draw a diagram for biology into their books, they could mold them into 3D on a whiteboard and label them on that.
BIC - Factfile
Bic is a stationery company that have greatly expanded and influenced the way we write, draw, and create. In 1953, Marcel Bich, an Italian French National, bought the patent for the ballpoint pen for $2million after him and his partner had purchased a factory just outside of Paris. They had started manufacturing parts for fountain pens and mechanical pencils back in 1945.
Simple six point guide to GDPR compliance
A new data privacy law will come into effect in May 2018. It’s called the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and is a complete overhaul of the legal requirements which must be met by anyone involved in handling personal data of EU citizens.
Paper data breaches How they happen and how to avoid them
The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect in May 2018, requiring organisations to apply sound security practices to all electronic and paper-based personal data with respect to its collection, storage, access and disposal.
How to make revision more engaging
Revision doesn’t have to be a daunting topic for students, there are many things you can do as teachers to help them realise it is neither a task or chore. Telling them to revise for 2 hours a night without their mobile phones is very unlikely to be the case for 99% of students.
Keep in shape while at your your desk
When working full time in an office, it’s often hard to find the time to exercise, however most of us have a bit of down time between tasks and we can use this time to get in a little bit of activity without having to leave our desk