B Corporations Explained: What They Are and Why They Matter

Date Published: 13-03-2025   Published By: OfficeStationery

Green forest background with a range of brand logos who a b corp certified. March is B Corporation Month

B Corporations have been growing in recent years with several thousand UK businesses gaining the certification. But what does it all mean?

The conception of B Corps (or B Corporations) began in 1972 when the CEO of Danone stood up at a major conference in Marseille, France, and suggested to the business world that companies should not just be about making a profit, but also have a responsibility to look after the environment and wider community.

This type of thinking was radical at the time and paved the way for the B Corp movement we know today, which has been gaining more momentum in recent years. It has been 50 years since this speech was made in France, and today, there are over 9,500 B Corps worldwide.

As March is B Corp month, we thought we would take the opportunity to deep dive into B Corps, what they are, and what it all means for you, the consumers. We'll also provide you with a list of the brands we stock on Office Stationery that have this certification.

What is a B Corp?

Amidst global climate change and continuous disparity across the world, in 2025, the need for B Corps has never been greater. This year, the United Kingdom totalled a registration of over 2,400 businesses that are B Corp certified.

But what does it all mean? And how is this more than just a business label?

For a company to become a registered B Corp, it has to go through a rigorous assessment process. This starts with a B Impact Assessment which looks at the businesses’ social and environmental performance across things like worker treatment, community engagement and environmental practices.

The way this is assessed is constantly changing to meet the current needs of the planet and global community. But essentially, to gain this certification, businesses are scrutinised for environmental and social transparency and accountability.

What Does Buying from B Corps Mean?

With all of that in mind, what does this mean for the consumer? Well, essentially, when you choose to buy from a B Corp brand, you can be safe in the knowledge that your money is going to a business who are committed to the environment and the wider global community.

B Corps generally aim to benefit the community and the planet - rather than be solely concerned with profit compared to other regular businesses.

In terms of what the priority in practice is for B Corps, they are 2.4x more likely to have programs to reduce waste, 2x more likely to be carbon neutral and 1.8x more likely to assess the environmental impact of their organisation.

So if you are out and about and wondering how easy it is to spot a B Corp, make sure to look for a logo on the packaging which has ‘Certified B Corporation’ in black and white. This is usually displayed prominently on the packaging or outside sleeve.

Office Stationery B Corp Stocked Brands

We are constantly trying to do our bit for the environment. Although paper and plastic products are the bread and butter of office stationery, we recognise the importance of adapting and supporting brands that are more environmentally conscious.

You can now browse for paper products, storage solutions and pens that are Eco-Friendly or can shop through brands which are B Corp Certified.

Here are some of our suggestions:

Another tip for discovering more eco-friendly products is to look out for our planet friendly icon which indicates either the item can be recycled after use or it is made from recyclable materials.

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B Corporations Explained: What They Are and Why They Matter
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