Date Published: 21-05-2018 Published By: OfficeStationery
Tips to be on time for work.
We’ve all been there, some more than others, where you swear your clock must be wrong or you swear you shut your eyes for only a minute more after you woke up but nonetheless, your fate has been seemingly sealed: You are late. Now, instead of fretting and speeding down a motorway at an ungodly speed next time this happens, follow our tips to help you minimise the panic and the risk altogether.
Organise the night before
Of course, this does not mean getting dressed for work and then going to bed ready for the morning but organising as much as you can to reduce the rush tomorrow. If you are someone who values their sleep and relies on at least 7-8 hours a night, try having your showers the night before so you can feel fresh in the morning and still sleep as late as possible. However, if you are someone who likes a morning shower to wake themselves up, try to reduce this to washing just your face in the morning as this will have the same effect, all the while saving you time.
Another way to organise yourself the night before is to decide what clothes you are going to wear and laying them out or hanging them up somewhere for a quick grab-change-go in the morning.
Furthermore, if you take a packed lunch into work, you may benefit from preparing it all the night before whether it’s making a cooked meal or just a sandwich and some crisps.
Have an energizing breakfast
Many foods can actually wake you up better than a cup of black coffee in the morning and don’t follow up with a caffeine induced crash 2 hours later. Some foods that have this benefit are apples, eggs, and oatmeal - all of which can be easily incorporated into a breakfast meal or quick morning snack. Oatmeal can be made even more beneficial by adding fruits and nuts into it which gives an extra boost of natural proteins. Alongside this stimulating food frenzy, always try to have a large glass of chilled water before you leave the house, it will wake you up, kickstart your metabolism, give you that refreshed and ready feeling.
Set alarms that actually work
Lying to yourself that one alarm will be enough every morning is a dangerous game if you know you are a heavy sleeper or are prone to hitting the snooze button. One way to combat this is to set a schedule of alarms to go off at 5/10/15 minute intervals to wake you up fully before its time to drag your previously lifeless, but now more alert self out of bed. Your alarm should be something that makes you wake up whether you want to or not; if you take a while to hear an alarm and are usually still asleep by the time it is over, you should have a full length song as your alarm -perhaps your favourite song or a song you absolutely can’t stand, whichever makes you wake up more.
Check the weather
This doesn’t really sound like something to improve your morning routine’s efficiency at first but it can save a lot of time when there is an unexpected change in environment. For example, have you ever been all dressed up and ready to get in your car and drive to work only to get outside and see that the car needs defrosting, a task not to be endured under any kind of time constraint. But if you had checked the weather first, you could have had the engine on and fans on out in the freezing cold while you watch from the warmth of your house with a hot drink clutched between your mittens.
Checking the weather for the next day can also be useful when planning outfits for the day ahead - you don’t want to be wasting time in the morning swapping your skirt for trousers or your trousers for a dress when you could have had it all sorted, weather-appropriately, last night.