Mess Free Crafts For Primary Schools

Date Published: 17-05-2018   Published By: OfficeStationery

Woman Sitting at Table Painting Plate with Smiley Face Get Creative with Paints

Looing for crafts for the kids that will make a minimal mess? They do exist! Here are some of our recommendations for mess free crafting.

Sometimes it can be hard to make learning engaging and modern without losing the educational value, spending too much time on decoration, or creating a huge mess. But studies have shown that young students’ brains react better to and memorise more interactive topics. Luckily, we have compiled a list of practically mess free crafts that your students will love to learn from.

Modelling Clay

Modelling clay is a great way to give kids a more hands on approach to tasks, allowing them to really think outside the box and explore different mediums of creation. For example, instead of getting them to draw a diagram for biology into their books, they could mould them into 3D on a whiteboard and label them on that. If you are skeptical because you would like their work to be recorded in their books, why not take a photograph and glue it into their books in the next lesson.  

playdoh tubsPLAYDOH

Painting With Variety

All young students love a bit of painting to create something bright and colourful that they can brag about to their parents. However, why not spice up these art sessions by using tools other than regular brushes or sponges? One great tool to use is straws; they’re super easy to gain access to and really affordable. With the straws, the students could create blow paintings on paper plates with lots of different colours that can then be put on display or taken home.  Another interesting tool to use for painting is their own bodies! Hands and feet prints can be turned into animals, spaceships, or anything their imaginations can think of! Of course this is a bit messier but why not try taking them outside and making their handprints into one of the animals they can find or an animal that lives in a specific habitat. Alternatively, using a water based paint and some cut up recycling bags or newspaper on the floor and tables makes for a very quick and easy clean up.

6 bright paint potspile of strawsSTRAWS



Slime has been seen everywhere for the past couple of years as something that both adults and kids really enjoy making and playing with. Not many people think about using it in classes though as it sounds initially like a lot of mess and effort to make but this is not the case at all. Slime can be made in minutes and is very containable and reusable. Why not try getting them to watch you make it to see how basic chemicals can mix together to become something new with completely different properties! There are hundreds of cheap and easy ways to make this craft and we’re sure you and your pupils will love this fun creation.


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