Notebook Day

Date Published: 18-05-2022   Published By: OfficeStationery

Image showing a collection of bright notebooks in pink, blue, green and purple. Notebook Day

Celebrate National Notebook Day in style by treating yourself to one of our notepads from top brands.

National Notebook Day is celebrated on the Third Thursday of May, this year it falls on the 20th May 2022. 2016 saw the very first National Notebook Day celebrated to remind the world about the humble notebook’s importance.


What purpose does a notebook have:  Many is the answer!


Notebooks can be used for, to-do-lists, journals, shopping lists, sketch pads, baby diaries, notes and reminders.


Journaling is a great way to purge the brain at the end of the day. Write down all of your thoughts, frustration or ideas and clear your mindset. According to a scientific study this is really good for your mental health, and may even become a regular go to. 

Bullet Journaling is the newest idea taking the world by storm.  It’s flexible for crazy-busy lifestyles and compliments online tools. Kind of like a to do list just bullet mark the things you want to write down, books you want to read, things you are grateful for, want to remember or do.  You can use circles, squares and lines for different events/meanings.


There is something more profound about writing things down rather than just tapping it into your phone or computer, and journals are quickly making a comeback. Unlike the digital equivalent notebooks don’t get accidentally deleted or lost if your device needs replacing.


To celebrate this National Notebook Day, why not grab yourself a new notebook or sketchbook, find a comfortable seat and let your imagination, thoughts and worries burst out onto the page. You never know how this may transform your day. You don’t have to be a novelist to appreciate a good notebook. Many of whom still prefer to write their notes and ideas down before they perfect their story. Perhaps your thoughts and ideas may become a story that is the next best seller!!


There is a plethora of designs, styles and sizes of notebooks and finding the right one to suit your purposes is all down to personal preference. 

What kind of notebook is your favourite? Is it a Moleskine? A wire bound paperback? Or perhaps the simple hardback manuscript book?


Perhaps you used to like sketching but grownup life has gotten in the way. Take some time on the upcoming bank holiday weekend to get yourself a sketch pad and some pencils go to your local park and enjoy it once more.


Whatever your preference is Office Stationery is here to help you find the right one for you. Check out our range of notebooks and notepads here-


We have a range of styles including the black and red range in A5 and A4 as well as journals in a range of colours.

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