Stress Relief Tips At Your Desk

Date Published: 12-06-2018   Published By: OfficeStationery

Stress Written in Red Pencil on a White Background Stress

Feeling the pressure at work? We've all been in the situation where we feel chained to our desks so here's how to avoid staying trapped in the stress bubble.

Stress Relief tips to complete at your desk.

A desk job can prove to be very stressful when let to get out of hand, but don’t fret, here are some easy ways to relieve stress from the comfort of your desk.

Breathing Exercises

When facing the struggle of stress, not only your heart rate and blood pressure increase, but your rate of breathing also significantly rises. By focussing on your breathing for a minute or two, it enables your headspace to clear long enough for you to regain control and reassess the situation. A useful and effective exercise is to simply count the seconds as you breathe in and then add a second as you breathe out. For example, try to breathe in for four seconds and then out for five.

girl next to flowers breathing calm

Set reasonable targets

An easy way to permanently reduce stress is to know your limits and work to targets that will suit you. It’s always nice to endure a challenge every now and then but when every day is becoming a struggle it can weigh heavily on your stress levels. To set yourself reasonable goals with allowed breaks in between can help ease your frantic mind back into a collected state. Why not give yourself rewards after reaching a target too? Perhaps a piece of chocolate or another coffee; incentives are always an effective way to keep motivation high in the workplace.

group of people holding cardboard trophy

Comfort at your desk

Whether it’s sitting in a lumpy chair or getting an achy leg from sitting down all day, comfort in the workplace can really affect your mood and motivation. Luckily, this is easily changed. Not many office workers are aware that their employers are legally required to provide comfort aids if it is affecting the employee’s physical wellbeing. For example, if you have a pre-existing spinal condition and require a back support for your desk chair, your manager or boss can provide you with one. However, if you are just slightly uncomfortable and would prefer to have some support then feel free to purchase a back support, footstool, or wrist rest from our website to help you feel at home at your desk.

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