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More About Remarkable

Remarkable are an innovative eco-manufacturing based in the UK, they are driven by there passion and beliefs that waste has a value and a useful recourse that can be reused rather than discarded. They endeavour to always look for new ways to use recycled materials.

Remarkable�s history

1996 - 24th of February in the Remarkable birthday incorporated as a limited company after two years of research and development. Invented recycling and production technology to turn recycled plastic cup into pencils. First into the UK to pioneer closed-loop recycling.

1997 � Joined forces with Save a cup. Partnership officially launched by Angela Eagle MP. Plastic cups taken from offices and sent to Remarkable factory turned into pencils and sold back to the offices, a perfect case if closed loop recycling. Puts value to waste and unique value to recycled products.

1998 � Ed awarded �UK inventor or the year� Pencil awarded �Invention of the year� Pencil awarded �Recycled product of the year� UK Plastics Industry award Remarkable �Environmental company of the year�

2000 � manufacture 3.75million pencils in the Milennium Dome from recycled plastic cups. Exhibited in the Living Island section, the whole concept went dwn fantastically well from the interaction with visitors the next wave of eco ideas burst to life.

2001 � Moved to London factory and started to supply major London tourist attractions and UK business.

2002 � Launched the Remarkable retail range into Supermarkets and high street retailers, A range of funky eco products.

2003 � Expanded factory to 12,000 square feet in central London with 20 employees Started trading in Europe.

2004 � Moved Remarkable into a charming Brunel designed 30,000 square foot factory in Worcester. Received �Most Innovative Product� award.

2005 � Expanded business with recycled plastic sheet packing production line. Expanded business into paper, card and printing.

2006 � Expansion into bespoke recycling, one example was to recycle play stations into pens. Remarkable gains accreditation from Sedex (the supplier Ethical Data Exchange).

2007 � Company grows retail brand and Office range. Export to USA and Australia � Remarkable goes global. Diversification into renewable materials. FSC certification gained under TT-COC-002320.

2008 � Remarkable featured on BBC The One Show. Expansion or recycled materials and products. Remarkable joins The Ethical Junction Network. Online web shop launched.

2009 � Received The 2009 �outstanding Service to the Industry� award. Received �Commended supplier of the year� award.

2010 � Re branding of Remarkable logo � eco thinking. Expansion into Biodegradable plastics and injection moulding. Launch of garden products from UK recycled household and garden waste.

2011 � Successfully launched large range of eco products into retail.

2012 � Launch of an additional 600+ eco products = eco choice. Re branding of the Remarkable website.

Brand: Remarkable we are proud to supply:
  1. University of Oxford
  2. UKTV
  3. Police UK
  4. NHS Logo
  5. Barclays
  6. BBC
  7. ITV
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